I'm fortunate to have many female Physician clients who own their own medical practice. These remarkable women are OB|GYN's, Neurologists, Primary Care Physicians, Infectious Disease Specialists, Chiropractors, Urologists, and Surgeons.
They raise young children (all have at least one child under ten years old), treat dozens of patients a week, care for their own families, take care of their own health, worry about their teams, and run their business. They rely family and friends to help with their children, like many working moms. They truly are SUPER WOMEN.
These female Physicians spend more time with patients than the national average and, because of this, they often less profitable than their colleagues.
When they wake up in the morning with a text from a team member quitting without notice, they have to figure out what to do in order to keep the office open.
Patients and team typically expect more from female Physicians and, these women do not disappoint. However, it's a huge responsibility to own your own business and it's an enormous responsibility to provide healthcare to those in need.
Like most other working moms, they head home exhausted to care for their families. Like many other working moms, they crave more balance and miss time with their children.
These moms truly are my heroes.
The healthcare environment is difficult and these Physicians tackle it with bravado and determination. I am so thankful that my daughter has these amazing women as rolemodels.
Thank you Physicians, Nurses, Physician Assistants, and all other healthcare providers who balance children and patient care.
Thank for taking time way from your families to care for our community.
- Wendy Thomson, Owner & President, TTG Healthcare Advisors